Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bapak Presiden Meminta Kita Konsumtif


di satu sisi, ada benarnya, di sisi lain... kalau belanja produk luar negeri ya duitnya terbang keluar. bagaimana? apakah mau berhemat atau tetap konsumtif?

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Indonesia Mandi Sendiri

Sekilas membaca suatu berita yang baik dan berkharisma. Salah seorang anggota DPR memaparkan mengenai langkah politis yang tercantum pada berita Rabu 18/02/2009 10:10 WIB

"RI penting, baik dalam masalah pasar, atau pun diplomasi Tapi ketidakjelasan sikap atau tempat RI berpijak, akan menisbikan posisi penting ini,"

"Dalam sejarah, kita pernah pro Rusia, pro Cina, dan pro AS (sesuai kepentingan nasional masing-masing era itu). Sekarang ini sikap kita tidak jelas," ujarnya.

"Manakah yang dipilih RI antara sekurity, prospherity, national pride, dan ideology?. Sukarno memilih ideologi dan Suharto pilih prospherity. Tetapi sejak berakhirnya era Suharto, kita telah menjadi bangsa yang tidak memilih dan tidak punya kejelasan," papar dia.

Hmm.. bagaimana menurut anda ketika sekilas membacanya.. apakah anda takjub membacanya? Ya statement yang menarik. Namun ada 1 lagi yang perlu diperhatikan selain ideologi dan prosperity. Jadilah mandiri.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Detik Juga Manusia...

... punya rasa punya hati. Pic taken Tue 17 Feb 2009 18:34. Apa coba.. ga penting banget kerjaan gw malem-malem gini.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Thank You Dedicated for Them

My current project-place consists of smart, great, hardworking employees. Just can't stop stating good about them, since I found them extraordinary. Every single PIC is knowledgeable and communicative in their own working field, so they're great stakeholders to encounter. Really learned much from them.

Great group of people creating a great working atmosphere. I'm astounded in my first day here, to find how magnificent their employee facilities. Each employee are thinking what's best for others, and that's make them creative. That's what I've learned in the 20th floor.

They've gotten large pantry, or I could say it looks like a food court. Every employee is given a free lunch (and dinner also) voucher, to buy from each counter. They also prepare a weekly event consist of employees' band and show. Sometimes free drink or food are also given from sponsorship.

Really an employee-oriented national company. I bet no one would ever want to move out unless compensated more, twice or thrice. After all, it's about working comfortability and self-esteem.

Thank you for all experience I get here.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Jakarta Beauty: Blues on the Night

Night, alone, high speed driving through highway from Grogol on the way to Airport. Eventually came into intersection, I turned left and... Wow.. my eyes couldn't stay on road just to see the line-up of blue lighting at the side of the other fly over.

Unfortunately, poor quality since I'm not a photographer, I can't show you the beautiful scene, but yes this will become beautiful in the right hand. So please someone took the scene once again. Don't ask me how I grab the pic. You wouldn't want to know.

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Setting Wireless Security

Merasa bersyukur bahwa ada orang yang pasang wireless access point non-secure di sekitar tempat saya bekerja saat ini. Tanpa perlu mengetahui passkey dari access point, connect wireless, setting proxy, dan internet connected. Merasakan gunanya ketika sedang meeting dan tidak bisa mengakses kabel LAN di tempat, padahal kita sering membutuhkan akses internet di tengah rapat.

Jadi sebetulnya aman ga tiba-tiba memasang wireless untuk menghubungkan laptop dalam network? The answer will be, depends on how to set the wireless security. Tentunya anda tidak mau tiba-tiba ada orang yang tidak anda kenal menggunakan jaringan anda untuk mengakses internet, lalu anda yang bayar.

Sebetulnya ada 3 "makhluk" wireless security yang bisa digunakan, yakni: WEP, WPA, dan WPA2. Tidak perlu pusing akan apa makna 3 "mahluk" itu. Sederhananya mereka bisa digunakan untuk meminta password kepada orang yang akan mengakses melalui wireless access point. Seperti biasa, WEP itu adalah dedengkot wireless security, sedangkan WPA dan berikutnya WPA2 adalah penerusnya, sehingga WPA2 tentunya yang terbaik di antara semuanya. Namun saat ini belum semua perangkat wi-fi di laptop yang bisa konek ke WPA2, jadi anda tetap harus mengambil keputusan mau pakai yang mana.

WPA (maupun WPA2) sendiri dibagi lagi menjadi 2 macam, ada model WPA biasa dan WPA-PSK (Pre-Shared Key). WPA bisa diakses hanya oleh komputer yang IP Address-nya sudah diijinkan untuk mengakses. WPA-PSK bisa diakses oleh komputer yang memasukkan passkey dengan benar ketika sedang melakukan koneksi ke access point.

Saya sendiri baru membeli DIR-300 DLink Wireless Router Access Point. Easy to configure but I can't guarantee the performance, as I have experienced bad DLink product. I've heard new company named "Buffalo" that offers a good networking device, but unfortunately "Buffalo" hasn't penetrated the Glodok market.


Monday, December 31, 2007

Facebook Friend Wheel - Cool Apps

Facebook Cool Apps.. Let's see the interrelation of my high school friends and my college friends. The more the number of relation between my friends, the brighter the line. Are you listed there?

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